Saturday, June 26, 2010

Festival Concert

This afternoon the girls had a WONDERFUL performance in the festival's final concert. Each choir sang a set individually, to showcase their own sound. Wrapping up the festival, the choirs took the stage all together, and sang the last set with Cincinnati's Robyn Lana, and Mr. Papoulis. The final song was their new composition, "Together," which has been completed and sounds fantastic! Check out the video... (sorry there are a few glitches).


  1. What a great photo! Go PGC girls!

  2. SOOOOOOOO nice to be able to hear the music!! Thanks for posting video. I miss touring with PGC! You sound amazing. xoxo, terri a.k.a mom

    p.s. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Perkins.

  3. We loved hearing the music. Keep it coming!

    Devora & Doug
