Thursday, June 24, 2010

Arrival in Cincinnati

We rolled onto Cincinnati's campus today around 3:00, unloaded our bags, changed into our blue PGC shirts, and got right to work. The girls had a short and sweet rehearsal with Raegan (so kind of her to come!) and then joined the other choirs for a pizza party. Our Jersey girls quickly began making friends over pizza and games in the dorm loby. Following dinner we had our first festival rehearsal and a workshop with Jim Papoulis. Mr. Papoulis has composed many songs that our girls have sung in previous years, and they will be singing one of his new songs, "Oye," as part of their tour repertoire. They also spent time working with Mr. Papoulis to help him compose a brand new song, originating in today's rehearsal. The singers collaborated to come up with lyrics for the first verse and chorus, and we'll be waiting to hear what Mr. Papoulis does with the rest!
Everyone is tucked in their beds, resting up for tomorrow's concert and adventures at King's Island!


  1. Hannah, thanks for doing the blog. It is great seeing the photos and reading the updates.

    Robin (Allison's Mom)

  2. We "ditto" all of the other comments and look forward to following your travels. It's hot and humid here in NJ - it must be better in Ohio!! (not). Devora & Doug Haeuber, Sophie and Gabi's parents.
